The Difficulties of Mothering

Mothering Sunday is an appropriate time to consider that motherhood is not the sublimely positive experience so often portrayed – particularly today of all days.  It is also the ideal time to appreciate that, given the expectation of almost endless maternal sacrifice, one day of recognition is staggeringly disproportionate.

As mothers, in so many homes, joyfully welcome the cards, gifts and salutations of their loved ones, we push to the back of our minds the memory of all that we have done to organise the picture-perfect scene.  We choose not to remember that we did the shopping (often after earning the housekeeping), we enabled the creation of the “breakfast in bed” and lunch (which we will welcome with genuine delight) and that we will begin our next round of Spring Cleaning (kitchen first) tomorrow!

This is one of the difficulties of motherhood; sacrificing everything, visibly appreciating the minutiae of all that is offered by our dependents and constantly seeking to increase the opportunities for our loved ones’ futures.  All this done, whilst attempting to remain in the background and plan for an independent, exciting and positive adventure once our offspring attain adulthood and the mantle is passed on.

Mothers, you truly are amazing.  Enjoy your day!
