Feeling Positively Revitalised!

Having escaped, this weekend, for a well-earned and much needed break, I can report that all is well and I highly recommend regular “flits to the hills”.

Catering for my modest needs and indulging in lengthy periods of reading, walking and reflecting have proved to be incredibly simple and highly effective methods of recuperation.  The weather conditions have not dampened my enthusiasm and the lack of television, communication and companionship has only added to the pleasure of my retreat.

I hope that the gentle glow will continue, unabated, when I re-enter the responsibilities of daily life.  (My reading has left me armed with enthusiasm and plans to create ravioli, explore the beach more and revel in the uniqueness of my children.)

To anyone for whom Winter has continued just a little bit too long, and Spring appears a too distant dream,  I encourage you to take a break somewhere and re-discover yourself.  It will make a huge and positive difference.
