On Wednesday morning, my carpenter alerted me (at 8am!) to the fact that someone had put ”mayonnaise or something” on my car. He is young and was upset, so details weren’t sought. Suffice it to say, aside from the ketchup, barbecue sauce and mayonnaise dumped on the bonnet, a swastika – etched in mayonnaise – was graffiti-ed on a passenger window. (It was discovered by my children; a particularly nice touch.)
As utterly disgusting and appalling as the whole episode was, it was a blessing. Firsthand, we have witnessed the amazing generosity, kindness and thoughtfulness of the folk who live in our community.
As soon as they were made aware, the police began house-to-house investigations, builders hopped into vans and began touring the area for evidence and culprits, neighbours have been popping in with gifts, encouragement and support ever since AND our heating engineers presented us with a gorgeous handcrafted candlestick.
So, instead of writing about the glorious restored stained glass windows – watch this space – the news is that incredible kindness and blessing can come from possible discouragements. Thank you to you who proved that.