Sunrises In My Life

Where did sunrise find you this morning?  Were you warm and snuggled up in bed, working, worrying, eating, chatting …?  I was painting a gate; a gate which had once been welcoming in red, funereal in black and which, due to its visibly expressed desire to return to jollity, was being restored to its exuberant redness.

Washing, stripping, sanding and painting the gate (twice) was a more than day long process.  Really? I hear you cry.  Well, when one begins the exercise in the afternoon whilst conversing comfortably with neighbours, it becomes a more than one day process!

With the world quiet and serene, the second coat of paint flew onto the gate in record time and in good order, this morning.  Marvellous!

Other sunrises, recently, have been characterised by thinking walks along the beach with the dogs, and heart-to-hearts with dear friends.  For a lark, it is the perfect time of day and the perfect introduction to what one hopes will always be a better, kinder more serene day than yesterday.
