Moving Relationships

A wise person once said that the surest way to change another, was by changing oneself.  That truth was wonderfully demonstrated last weekend (hence no blog!), when my mother-in-law came to stay.  Twenty plus years of tension was instantly dissipated as empathy and encouragement re-focussed our flagging spirits, prompted us into relaxation and lovingly repeated – over and again – that “Rome was not built in a day”.

Moving over two hundred miles away from the capital has changed me.  Certainties such as “my jeweller”, “my greengrocer” and “my butcher” (not to mention “my favourite restaurant”, “my park” and “my MP”), have been replaced by culture shock, timidity and further eccentricity.  My mother-in-law, having conquered the self-same dilemmas many times, has emerged as the most delightful kindred spirit.

So, remember it is never too late to be blessed – or a blessing – in a relationship.  Keep waiting and watching for your opportunity.