Living in a coastal town has – six months on – finally woven its tentacles firmly around me. Working all day, then deciding at 4pm to go to the beach – ours or another further from home – just cannot be matched by life in London. (Traitorous thoughts!) Dashing to Crosby beach, watching the Antony Gormley sculptures in various costumes of lichen, algae and sea, whilst following crabs, shellfish and a triple rainbow stunningly reflected across rippled sand, cannot be matched by traffic jams and congestion charges; it simply can’t. The composition of nature with its constantly changing light, weather and unique love song combined with the occasional friendly encounter – other connoisseurs indulging their senses – and the lasting impression is of more than “home”. It is the sense that this is what one has been looking for all of ones life. It has not been an easy journey, but the feeling is one of arrival.