October 2016: A Good Tradesman Is Hard To Find…

‘Twas ever thus, I know.  Still, it is rather peeving to discover that one has been ripped off by individuals which cannot be divorced!  It was with dismay that I discovered just how much money I had wasted, via the services of a rogue “HETAS qualified” trader engaged a few years ago.  I could have completed the installation, myself, and ensured that one of my wood burners failed to comply with every health and safety regulation and recommendation written – and I could have saved a fortune in the process!!  That, however, is not the issue…

Having made the discovery (and offered up many sincere prayers that offspring and hounds have not been singed to a crisp during our period of ignorant bliss), I made valiant attempts to employ a “HETAS qualified” trader to rectify the situation.  (I also require Brown Betty to begin to earn her keep, but that is another storyJ.)  To be frank, it would be easier to find a blind unicorn in hot pursuit of a flying horse!

My chimney sweep, Dear Man, who is HETAS qualified, competent and efficient installs wood burners but doesn’t “do chimney work” (Go figure!!) and everyone he knows is far too busy or far too something to tackle the work.

I am currently in discussions with a piano restorer…  This could not be invented!  I will let you know what occurs.  Watch this space, I may be retraining as a HETAS qualified trader who does “chimney work”, myself!

Joy to you.



September 2016: Still Summer

What an interesting experience of weather!  Here, the months are warm and confused.  Sometimes rain deluges as though April has reappeared; yet, at other times, the sun burns so completely that a veritable Arabian desert seems the only possible outcome.

In between excursions, I am harvesting, potting and pickling.  The delights of curd-making have been discovered and as each crop develops, I am experimenting.  Taste tests still reveal gooseberry curd as the favourite and not simply for the flavour.  The beautiful and entirely natural pink is a joy to the sight and a wonderful invitation.

I have recently re-discovered recipes for fruit cheeses and have a yearning to experiment…  Add that to my frugal determination that my ThermoCook WILL manifest all of its promise and culinary adventures – and hilarious antics – are only a taste bud or two away!

Why not have a turn yourself?

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August 2016: The Dizzy Heights of Summer

Do you remember those heady days of Summer when camping in the back garden with your father and playing in streams meant that the school holidays had arrived and all was well?  Reliving those memories, with modern interpretations (for obvious reasons), has been the adventure most enjoyed here, this month.

The cloud formations, sunsets and escapades on the beaches and sand dunes never fail to thrill and enliven.  Forays to the Flower Show, as ever, thrill and delight.

Life is good even when it is so very different from the plan of twenty-five years ago.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, remember to find the joy despite your circumstances, sometimes, not as a result of them.  Live well!

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